If you are a lover of honey like we are then you will be pleased to know that there is so much more to honey than what you will typically find in your local grocery store. We have taken the time...
Category: Honey
When it comes to artesian honey there are many interesting varieties available. Beekeepers have made an art out of procuring their honey. One of these delicious varieties is Sunflower honey....
You’ve probably heard about the exquisite taste and various health benefits of wildflower honey. But you don’t know what it is exactly and how it’s different from regular honey. We’ve done...
Once a cheap and anonymous product, Jarrah honey is now up to a $75 per kilogram top-rated honey variety, with an astounding range of applications and benefits. This unique and rare honey is causing...
Harvesting honey and having enough spare to sell is surely an exciting prospect for any freshly minted beekeeper. The thing about honey is that it is not uniform, as there are various...
Considered a piece de resistance in the world of raw honey, creamed honey is an exceptional bee product with a mouthwatering texture and powerful nutritional profile. Also referred to as churned...