Carpenter bees derive their name from their ability to drill perfectly round holes in exposed wood to make nests. The bees drill and burrow 1/2 inch diameter holes using their strong broad mandibles...
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As a honey lover, sometimes it is hard to find the perfect golden nectar for yourself and your family. With so many options of color, taste, origin, and medical properties it can be easy to get...
Its name seems like something just out of a fairy tale while the mere mention of it evokes the magic of summer. But what is orange blossom honey? Is it as magical as it sounds and how can you...
Sometimes a hated insect by farmers and gardeners because of their plant destroying capabilities, grasshoppers are incredibly interesting insects. Grasshoppers are metamorphic insects, with an...
Grasshoppers play an important role in the ecosystem by contributing to nutrient cycling. Love them or hate them, they are bound to return year after year to repeat the same process. Adult...
It is often said that nature is the gift that keeps on giving and it does so in so many ways, be it in natural attractions, beautiful animals, or my personal favorite, food. In particular, what I...